Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Electric Town- The Gadget Hub of Japan

   Recently, my family and I took a trip to Japan, and while I was there, I noticed just how technologically advanced Japan was, especially in the gadget department. In the Tokyo's main gadget hub, Akihabara, I was amazed at what I saw. There were cases and games that were not here in the U.S. I felt like I had to have it all. I saw many video games that don't come out in America until December. Most of these games could only be played on Japanese video game consoles, but it was still cool to find all my favorite video games with Japanese writing on the cover. They also have merchandise on almost every video game there: phone cases, handheld cases, plushes, and toy figurines.
   Also, while I was riding on the train getting around, I noticed that a lot of people there use handheld consoles. I saw elderly and children playing with there 3DS's, and that is something you don't really see here in the U.S. Many people there are extremely tech-savvy, and I found that pretty interesting throughout my whole trip.

   In conclusion, I feel like Japan is the Candyland for electronics, and it's no wonder that they're at the top at the video game market. They have done things with phones that I didn't know were possible, and are one of the main reasons I love Japan. I hope someday some of the things in Japan do make it overseas to the U.S. but for now, and I can just hope.

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