Monday, July 29, 2013

EarthBound Review for the Wii U Virtual Console

     I've played many RPG's in my time, and the ones that stand out the most on the top of my head are Pokemon and Final Fantasy. If you ask most people about this game, they may not know much about it. This game sold extremely well in Japan, but did not do so well here in America. It's a shame, because it is really good game, and now that Nintendo released it on the Wii U Virtual Console, and i think it will allow a new generation to enjoy and experience this great game. This is an RPG that is unlike no other and should be given more credit than it already has.


     This game's controls are like no other. You traverse a diverse overworld filled with unique monsters and funny characters. Another thing that is different about this RPG is the combat system. You don't see the characters while you're fighting, instead, all you see are the enemies and a colorful background. All of the players are unique in how they fight as well, one is more useful in psychic attacks, while another likes to use guns. Another thing that makes it unique is that when you're stronger than an enemy, the enemies run away from you, letting you avoid pointless encounters.


     This game has standard RPG controls. You have a menu when you're fighting, so you can run, fight, or use items. Traversing the world is as easy as ever. It is a bit weird when you're interacting with overworld things, as you do have to bring up a second menu, but this is fixed when using the L button shortcut. The game's controls are simple, and you won't leave you smashing the controller because the controls are too hard.


     What can I say about this game. It's light, funny, and a bit dark sometimes, but will always leave you with a grin on you face.The storyline is one of the best storylines in any RPG, and all the characters are interesting and funny. You'll find yourself coming back to this game frequently because of how fun it is, and I know that if you purchase this game, you won't regret it. In conclusion, this game is one of the best Virtual Console games on the Wii U and I think everyone should experience this RPG. Everybody say "fuzzy pickles!"

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