Monday, August 19, 2013

Mario and Luigi: Dream Team Review for the Nintendo 3DS

     The Mario and Luigi series is not one of the most popular sub-series from Mario, but I think that it deserves more credit than it is already given. Its original debut was on the gameboy advance, and since then, Nintendo has made a Mario and Luigi game for every handheld console since. This light and funny RPG is amgame that everyone should play, and it shows to have made a good comeback on the 3DS.


     This game plays like a modern RPG. You attack from a menu and select from a list of attacks. You can also execute special attacks that both Mario and Luigi can both execute. The overworld is explored from a semi top-down perspective. When you are in Luigi's dream world, you then explore in a side scrolling adventure. There are also special actions the Bros can do in the overworld and dream world, like turn into a tornado or ball. In the dream world, Luigi can possess certain things that affect the landscape or Mario. He can slow time down, or slingshot Mario to a place he needs to go.


     The game's controls are easy to follow. You use the A button to control Mario, and you use the B button to control Luigi. During special attacks when you have to really use those buttons, as they require precise timing and rhythm. That's what makes the game so fun. When Luigi possesses things in the dream world, you also use the bottom screen to mess with Luigi while he's sleeping, which is as fun as ever.


     Overall, this game is extremely enjoyable, and I think everyone should pick it up and play it. The dialogue is really funny. Not many games actually make me "laugh out loud," but this one did. The storyline is simple. The Mario Bros. visit Pi'ilo island and have to save it from the new villain, Antasma. The difference is Luigi gets a pretty important role in the game. Mario and Luigi have to travel in the dream world the defeat Antasma, and the only one that can open a portal is Luigi. In conclusion, this game is a must have for the 3DS and really brings out Luigi's personality. Sleep tight, Luigi!

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